
Publications by Arnd Allert


Allert & Co.




“Negotiating successfully in small and mid-sized M&A transactions“


The book, “Erfolgreich verhandeln bei M&A Transaktionen im Mittelstand“ (Negotiating Successfully in Small and Mid-Sized M&A Transactions) was published in July 2014. This book by our founder Arnd Allert is based on over 100 successful transactions in a field that generally receives little media attention but which has taken on increasing importance in Germany The sale of companies and business units in the mid-sized sector.

Arnd Allert provides an easily readable guide to all the phases, steps and essential details associated with the negotiation process. It is entirely focused on offering practical advice for negotiations and includes simple descriptions of the most important negotiating methods and other specialised information.

You can order this practical guide online. Those who read the book also have an opportunity to request useful check lists from the author.



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Allert & Co.

Negotiating successfully in small and mid-sized M&A transactions

Arnd Allert - 6. January 2016


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Allert & Co.

Company sales in crisis

Successful strategies for maintaining value

Hardcover edition - 30. July 2007


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Allert & Co.

Modern Reorganisation Management

Reorganisation concepts, finance instruments, insolvency proceedings, liability risks, labour law and conducting negotiations

Hardcover edition - 27. August 2021

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Of course we are also available for any questions or concerns you may have in connection with the purchase or sale of medium-sized companies and in particular in dealing with company succession.