Allert & Co. im M&A-Gespräch mit Insolvenzverwaltern

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

M&A-Besprechung zu einer gerichtliche Unternehmenssanierung

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

M&A-Gespräche zur Sicherung des Forbestandes von Unternehmen und Arbeitsplätzen

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

Gespräche zum Unternehmensverkauf mit Insolvenzverwaltern

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

M&A-Gespräche zwischen M&A-Beratern und Insolvenzverwaltern

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

Arnd Allert bei der Erstellung einer Management-Präsentation

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

Quick Solutions

We find the quickest route to where you want to go


No conflicts of interest


We know what to keep in mind with distressed M&A


The goal is to secure company survival

Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

Allert & Co. for Insolvency Administrators and Trustees

For more than a decade we have been successfully assisting insolvency administrators, management, entrepreneurs and leading companies into a new future through successful transactions.

Working quietly and reliably in the background - we have 15 years of experience in learning the ins and outs of insolvency proceedings and how to sell businesses during the course of court-ordered restructurings. In order to preserve values and to safeguard the survival of businesses and jobs we are sovereign, independent of banks, individually and quickly we find practicable solutions especially in time-critical situations!






Allert & Co.
  • Expertise in selling unprofitable companies
  • Value-maximizing sales process
  • Structured investor processes during normal insolvency- and § 270a and § 270b InsO (Bankruptcy Act) proceedings
  • Concentration on reaching quick and reliable conclusion
  • Certified under DIN ISO 9001:2015, reliable and complete documentation of proceedings

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Topics from Allerts Monitor

Request Allerts Monitor
Auswertung des Debt-Equity-Swaps bei Allerts Monitor im Jahr 2018
Question 38 from Allerts Monitor 01/18 (page 30)

Have the ESUG instruments proven useful with respect to §270a - provisional self-administration?

Auswertung des Debt-Equity-Swaps bei Allerts Monitor
Question 39 from Allerts Monitor 01/18 (page 30)

Have ESUG instruments proven useful with respect to §270b - provisional self-administration in insolvency protection proceedings?

Auswertung des Debt-Equity-Swaps
Question 40 from Allerts Monitor 01/18 (page 31)

Have ESUG instruments proven useful with respect to debt-equity swaps?